$2,000 for the 2023 Children’s Summer Reading Program.
$15,000 toward the cost of rental two buses for the 2023 trip.
$5,000 for the trip to BPA Nationals in California.
$4,875 to help purchase ballistic vests, computers and PBTs.
$7,985 for water abatement repairs at the Thiebaud Homestead.
$15,000 to help with electrical upgrades at the fairgrounds.
$2,000 for needed expenses for the 2023 After Prom.
$1,500 to help defray expenses to transport students to job sites.
$25,600. Purchase the trailer, Purchase fence Sponsor Thursday Night and Sunday Gate so these two days admission will be free to the public.
$9,000 for Five Video Laryngoscopes and supplies for the ambulances.
$2,000 to help to replace the server at the library.
$4,000 to install a Life Safety Wireless Booster in the building in Dillsboro.
$15,000 to be used as a match as they apply for an ORCA grant to rehabilitate the theater building.
$25,000 to match ORCA grant, contingent upon their receiving the state grant.
$2,273.95 to purchase an Un-Manned Ariel Drone.
$2,000 for expenses for the 2022 Children’s Summer Reading Program.
$5,000 to help toward a Kitchen Upgrade at the 4-H Fairgrounds.
$13,950 to cover one year of programming to help rebound from Covid-19. Programs will be: Silver Classic, Pilates, Body Toning, HIIT and Child Watch.
$18,000 to cover the cost of two buses to take approximately 75 people to Big Stuf.
$7,050 for Display Case Fiber Optic Lighting.
$2,000 for needed expenses for the Switzerland County After Prom.
$10,000 for students to attend the BPA National Conference in Dallas, Texas.
$50,000 for capital improvements.
$5,105 to remodel part of the CMHC building in Vevay to house a food pantry.
$26,700 address the bat infestation that is damaging the historical Building which houses historical wall murals.
$2,500 to help toward a car lease used by staff.
$10,000 to cover the transportation for the Eighth Grade Washington DC trip
$1,300 to help cover the costs for the Lella R. Trafelet Historical Marker.